Sunday 31 May 2009

Oh I made a baby!! Well not really but he's a little bear standing only 18 inches tall and he is so demanding.

Here are some pictures of him :)

As you can see he is a typical little boy - always wanting picky uppy!

He had a lovely time outside playing rock climbing and here a picture of him playing superman! (maybe he needs a red cape?!)

But again as soon as he's tired ........... picky uppy again!!


  1. I think a red cape is a definite must!

  2. I stumbled across your blog ( I am in the US) and I think theses are THE CUTEST things I've ever seen! :) Your British phrases and humor(I assume...please correct if I am wrong) make your blog even cuter! I am in the very long process of adopting my first ( and most likely, only) child and when I finally have a "match" with someone who is placing their child for adoption with me, I think I will need to get a Binty Bear!!! Good Luck and keep knitting....these truly are delightful!
