Sunday 23 May 2010

Happy day's

Oh its been a lovely weekend with a real feel of summer - not that I did much but it really lifts my spirit when the weather is good.
I started a new bear this weekend and by the looks of him he is going to be called Colin! I will post a picture of him as soon as he comes together.

This afternoon me and the kids had a bit of a working party in the garden and we managed to weed a bit and clear a load of rubbish - trouble is I need to do a tip run now as its all down the side of the house in bin bags.

Not sure if this is a flower or a weed but I thought it was very pretty - all hearts.

I know this one is a weed but I just love the structure of these.

I always thought Poppy's are red! I have loads of these in my garden .. not sure how they got there but they are still welcome as they are so soft and sunny.

1 comment:

  1. The heart shaped flower is an Aquilega and is a plant not a weed. If you have different colour plants they will cross pollinate and give you different colours next year, they are luvverly :o)
